Constitute the identity of the ego Psychological Adjustment and their relationship with the university students


  • Hassan Obeid Jaber


Humanities, Psychology


Human faces of many development changes of all personal sides . the identity formation presents the pivot of this change as it connects with human capacity of specifies proud and his Roles in life, through at temptation reaching for discions for questions being insistent and present of (Ego Identity Crisis ) such as (who am I, what I want, what's my goals in life, where I am going to ),through the formation process ,human be on contrast sides As he could reach to specific answers achieving his identity. Or he suffers from confusion and Diffusion in his identity presentation of failing of reaching to answers of questions and failing of specification aims and Roles .the researcher tries to discover to the nature relationship between formation identity and self-adjustment development As, the researcher applies the subjective measurement to form the Identity and self-adjustment on sample about 352 from university's students. the research ends to totally result that confirm the positively relationship to develop self adjustment achieving Ego-Identity and the negation of Diffusion, to the weakness relationship between self-adjustment development and the medium statuses with tendency of lower influence of moratorium and identity foreclosure.


