The political activity of Al-sayad Ruhollah Musawi Khomeini in Najaf for the period (1965-1978) A.D.


  • Mohammed Racine dooman Al-sultani


Humanities, history, modern history


Research examines the political activity Al-sayed musawi Khomeini in najaf city between (1965-1978).divided the research in to six axis addressing each section aspect of political activity to Alsayed Alkhomeini in najaf .Studies first section the reasons that led to the exile of mr.khomeini to the holy city of najaf ,and studied the second section relationship institution religious shia in najaf and its position toward the political ideas of the ruling regimes and studied .third axis his efforts to re-contact his supporters to continue the revolution in Iran.and discus fourth axis in the relation ship of Mr.khomeini. the irag government after the death of Mr. muhsin al-hakim ,and studied fifth axis in the factors that led to the his emigration from Iraq to France.


