Introduction : The Employment of History on the Stage Shakespeare's Lear : The Use and Function of History


  • Salih Mahdi Hameed
  • Alak Zi alddin


Humanities, English Literature, Shakespeare


The firm relation between past and present incidents arises the inevitability to appreciate history. Hence, a considerable number of writers give the topic its due weight. History becomes the source of an already established material from which a writer can freely choose. According to this, history is envisaged as the speaking tongue of the writers' purposes. The writer does not have to take a firm stand in the topic. On the contrary, he has the flexibility to mould the material to what helps manifesting the writer's manipulation of the topic in accordance with the needs of his age and people. In fact, history exercises a great effect which deservingly makes it "the father of literature." The majority of writers are indebted to it to the extent that "Shakespeare has used historical material for theatrical purposes and his dramatic achievement would not have been the same without it



