A Study of English Verbs of Communication in the Political and Religious Speeches


  • Lihadh Abdul Ameer Mubarak


Humanities, language, English, Grammer, The use of verbs in the speeches


Communication is the main core of language as language is widely defined as a means of communication. Verbs of communication can help achieving communication by their own. The current study focuses on the verbs of communication showing its semantic features and types. It tries to find out the role of the verbs of communication in achieving communication in two linguistic discourses namely the political and the religious speeches. It also tries to find the similarities and differences between these two types of speeches in regard to the use of verbs of communication finding out whether both types of speeches use such verbs. Finally, if verbs of communication are used, the study tries to find out which types of verbs of communication are used in both political and religious speeches.The aim of the study is to describe the verbs of communication in English as used in political and religious speeches. There by, it is possible to make a comparison between these two different discourses in regard to the use of verbs of communication and to contrast them so as to find out the syntactic and semantic differences and similarities between the two discourses. To achieve aims of the study, the following procedures are followed:1. Presenting a theoretical background about the notion of communication in general concentrating on the role of verbs of communication.2. Finding out the role of verbs of communication in achieving communication and showing the syntactic and semantic features of verbs of communication in English.3. Analyzing samples of political and religious speeches to correlate the syntactic and semantic features of verbs of communication used in these two discourses.



