The Relationship Between The Federal Authorities And The Local Government In Term Of Services – Babil Province as Sample


  • Amer Al Shemari College of Law University of Kufa
  • Alaa Al Anzy College of Law University of Babylon
  • Ali Aloshokraw College of Law University of Babylon


Federal Authorities , local Government, Administrative Decentralization, Political Decentralization ( Regional)


There is a serious relation between the political regime and administrative law, particularly in terms of adopting political regime in a given State, the administrative Centralization or Decentralization in managing a State on the internal level, as well as the issue of granting a State, its regional and local units the moral personality according to law, then the administrative disputes between them will be settled according to the administrative jurisdiction framework, as pertaining to the participation of the administrative system of State in processes of making and implementing general policies in a State generally, in addition to that concerning the delivery of services to citizens.

In this paper, we deal with the application of Administrative Regional Decentralization in Iraq after 2003 which has shaped a new type of relation between the Central Government and the State administrative units, showing the relationship on the level of delivery of services to citizens through concentrating on Babil local government as a case study.

