Linguistics and Discourse Analysis in Literary Criticism (Communication and Self-openness)


  • Farhan Badri Al-Harbi Criticism, approaches, literary criticism, association, eloquence, stylistic, structural, critique of the meeting of literature, format, semiology, linguistics, speech analysis


Criticism, approaches, literary criticism, association, eloquence, stylistic, structural, critique of the meeting of literature, format, semiology, linguistics, speech analysis


This study  focused on  the impact of linguistics on  discourse analysis within the framework of literary criticism in order to anticipate what can be expected of the intellectual product under the framework of modern critical approaches, which in some of their directions study the artistic and qualitative  features of literary discourse in order to reveal literature structures and their importance in  establishing literary genres and the impact of these genres on the processes of cognitive or emotional communication. The research pointed to the need to pay attention to the intellectual depth in this cognitive endeavor in dealing with literary discourse, which can be traced in a panoramic and hierarchical way to explore the destiny of thought in the interactions of the self with its surroundings, within the  dimension of the language. In order to achieve this cognitive objective, the research sought to uncover these hypotheses in the following issues: 1. Discourse Analysis of rhetoric and stylistics; 2. Critical Structuralism and discourse analysis; 3. Linguistic Structuralism and patterns; 4. Literary structuralism; 5. Pragmatic discourse analysis, and the spread of the concept of discourse in pragmatics;  and 6. Insinuating the collective-being in the literary discourse.

It was found in  this research that the issue of discourse analysis is as old as the inherited Rhetorical Approach, and it continued it the rhetoric of the present day. It was renewed by the stylistic ideas which coped with the development of poetic language. The structural linguistic impact had a very distinctive presence which resulted in the so-called structural literary criticism  represented by the concept of text and its limitations in dealing with the discourse whose concept expanded and developed consistently across a variety of models, according to the orientations of critics and scholars. The research touched on the idea of ​​communication and pragmatics in dealing with the discourse, and taking care of openness towards the third  component of communication  process (i.e., the receiver) within the model of  creative discourse and the theoretical model, pointing to the importance of the structural perspective that remained governs the movement of dealing with the speech even after this openness. Finally, the research dealt with the experience of social criticism of texts, an approach that never rejects the structural thought as much as it benefits from it to achieve its own objectives in restoring life to the text in the social context.

