The linguistic Standard and its levels and its impact in the statement of Quranic miracles


  • Muhammad Abbas Nehaia Al-Gerayawi Ministry of Education / Directorate of Education Babylon


Standard-Miracles- Linguistic -Grammatical- Eloquence – Indicative


As each work has an end, and each scientific effort concludes, the research ultimately wishes to recall its most important findings:

1- Detect of the research that one of the miracles of the Holy Quran carried the verbal joint on all meanings unless there is a presumption that prevents one of its meanings, as it addresses all ages and various aspects of miracle.

2- One of the most important standards in the statement of the miracle of the Holy Quran is the grammatical standard, it reveals the miracles of the book of God Almighty.

3- That one of the most important distinguishing features of the Holy Quran in its miracles is its words that suit its semantic development. The word in the Holy Quran is placed in a place suitable for all times and places.

4- After taking an example of each type of Eloquence, we find that Eloquence Standards and their study are important in discovering the miracle of the Holy Quran and understanding its precious signs.

