The Effectiveness of Using the Modeling Method in Mastering the Anatomical proportions of Portrait in the Planning Material


  • Mehdi Abdelmir Al-Tufaili University Of Kufa / College of Education
  • Drgham Saad AL –Awadi University Of Kufa / College of Education


Modeling,Masterting, Portrait . Planning . Anatomical proportions


The current research section (the effectiveness of using the modeling methodin mastering the anatomical ratios of the   portraiture with the planning material) to four chapters

     The first section deals with the problem, importance and need for research and aims to detect the effectiveness of using the modeling method in mastering the anatomical proportions of portraiture with the planning material . The second chapter (the theoretical framework and the previous studies) dealt with two topics, the first of which concerned me with the modeling method, the second about me in terms of the candidacy of the portrait and how to plan it. The third chapter was devoted to the procedures, Fourth findings, conclusions, suggestions and recommendations of research with a list of sources of research .

