The role of the United States of America in the coup of Brazil, March 31, 1964


  • Akram Abbas Omran Marza Babylon Education Directorate


White House , Goulart , Gordon , Planalto


The United States of America played a prominent role in supporting the military coup in Brazil after receiving intelligence that communism was seeking to seize the reins of power in Brazil and therefore the American government strived to prevent the arrival of the Communists by supporting the movement of generals to overthrow the government in Brazil and therefore the American ambassador worked in Brazil, Richard Gordon, to manage the Crisis Cell and launch an intense media campaign to show the danger posed to communism in Brazil, has worked to create a large popular class in Brazil that supports the overthrow of the government, as well as winning for generals who enjoy a high ability of the people in the Brazilian army to lead the movement against the government without Show her a role in that.

      It seems that the American government had a great role in raising the concerns of the military generals in Brazil regarding the Communists ’pursuit of control of the government in Brazil, which represented the removal of military leaders from their sensitive positions upon their arrival and work to replace them with leaders loyal to Communism, especially since most of those leaders were in a relationship Bad at the Communist Party and its political leaders, and from that standpoint, the American ambassador in Brazil took advantage of this point in order to arouse the ire and fears of the military leaders to carry out the coup. Therefore, cooperation took place between them and the American ambassador to Brazil in order to abort that process, as well as to remove the trade unions that were forming One of the pillars of Communist support in elections and access to power by containing the leaders of these unions as Vargas worked before when he formed the Brazilian Workers Party in order to thwart the Communist Party, but this time in parties known to hate Communism and work to lure them into union positions and provide material and partisan support to them and thus They were able to isolate the leaders of the Communist Party and thwart Goulart's plans to approach them and allow them to take up important positions in the state. And the square became ready for the military leaders to carry out the last mission, which culminated in the military coup d'état of March 31, 1964

