Napoleon Ambitions in the East and His attempts to occupy Palestine


  • Hussein Hammad Abed Rajab


Palestine, Napoleon, occupy, Ambitions in the East, History


      This  Research  aims to display the role of Napoleon  Bonaparte in the East in general and Palestine in especially through his Campaigns on Egypt and Palestine ,Which had a great impact in the History of the Middle East and the beginning of Modern European Colonialism in the wake of industrial development in Europe.

     Most Research focused on the role of Britain  in the establishment of a national homeland  for Jews in Palestine ,Which was called for by the British Foreign Ministry Arthur Balfour in 1917,but Napoleon put  this  idea using the national phenomenon and the assembly of the Jews in national homeland for them to the dimension of  France in particular and western Europe in general and benefit  from them in his struggle with Britain.

   The research dealt with the idea of Napoleon to create a national homeland for the Jews in Palestine and the reasons that led his to go to  the east and the stages that passed the campaign on Acre and how to siege them ,but  failed  to achieve its objectives because of the presence of British fleet which helped the governor of Acre Ahmed pasha  Al-jazzars  in front of him as well  as the Ottoman fleet  headed from Istanbul to Egypt as well as plague disease, which  hit the army, forcing him to return to Egypt and then decide to return to France

