Alfred Thayer Mahan, founder of the US Naval Military Strategy 1840-1914 CE


  • Abeer Khaleel Ibrahiem University Of Babylon College of Basic Education/ Department of History


Alfred Thayer Mahan, Founder of Strategy, USA, Middle East, Continental Back


The highlight of Alfred Thayer Mohan is of great importance at the level of historical and geopolitical studies, as we did not know that this American military commander, dubbed "Sea Clausewitz", was the one who developed the US naval military strategy since the end of the nineteenth century, which the American administration has followed since The American-Spanish War of 1898, and to this day, his ideas and ideology went further when many countries, including Great Britain, Germany and Japan, were affected by it, and his writings on the importance of a successful plan to form an international naval force with offensive capabilities were direct role in the victory they achieved The United States of America in World War I and II, and reaching its current position as the largest superpower in the world.                                                                          

Mahan’s views were and continue to guide the foreign policy of the United States of America. She began applying these opinions in a deliberate manner after the Second World War through the Truman principle by establishing a group of naval bases and military alliances in various regions of the world, until it became the most powerful maritime state in the world and surrounded the Soviet Union. Socialist countries with alliances and rules, and their political, economic, and military influence includes most of the developed and developing capitalist countries, and what is happening today in the world is greater and clearer evidence of successive American governments' keenness to apply Mahan's views for the ultimate control of the world. 

