Thematic Progression in Ernest Hemingway's "Cat in the Rain"


  • Dhuha Ahmed Hamadi


thematic progression, theme, rheme, coherent.


The study analyzes a short story and  identifies its thematic progression patterns in terms of S. Eggins thematic patterns (2004 ), as a part of  Sسغسفثةهؤ atterns, as a part of Srt of on patternsrySSystemic Functional Linguistics (SFL).  It aims to find the most dominant thematic progression that is used in it. The data of the study is  a short story entitled 'Cat in the Rain' written by Ernest Hemingway. It shows how Hemingway organized and distributed the information development , and the consequence of the  story events, in such a way to make the story cohesive and coherent. Plus, how the development of the story events organized is paved the way for readers to be more comprehensive and more effective in the flow of information that Hemingway intended. The results proved that the most dominant thematic progression pattern was the theme reiteration. Then , the zigzag theme pattern came in the second place and the multiple - rheme occupied the third position.   


