Biography of Military Leader (Ahmose son of Ibana) through inscriptions on his cemetery in city of Nukub
Ahmose bin Ibanna- Ahmose I- Inscriptions- Nukhb- KingAbstract
This research deals with the biography of the military commander, Ahmose Ibn Ebana, who was a contemporary of several Egyptian kings (Ahmose the First, Amenhotep the First, and Thutmose the First). The first contemporary document of the wars waged by the Egyptians to liberate their country from the Hyksos, and the inscriptions of this cemetery spoke about the companionship of the leader Ahmose bin Abana for both King Amenhotep the First and King Thutmose I in their wars that they fought in the east and south of the ancient Egyptian borders. These inscriptions gave us very important historical information about Contemporary to the wars of liberation waged by the Egyptians against the Hyksos, and about the history of Egypt, the end of the Seventeenth Dynasty and the beginning of the Eighteenth Dynasty. He began his military life during the reign of King Ahmose the First before he got married. Ahmose Ibn Abana talked about his heroics and the various battles he fought, where he mentioned that he fought the fighting and battles on land and sea and that he was among the royal guards of King Ahmose the First, as well as his work as a naval commander in those wars and he also talked about the siege The city of Avaris, as well as the end of the Hyksos and the siege of the fortress of Sharuhin. The research also talks about the participation of Ahmose bin Abana in the wars of King Amenhotep the First against the country of Nubia, and how he was subsequently honored with gold, lands and slaves for the courage he showed in fighting them. The research also talks about his role during the reign of King Thutmose I Who participated with him in a military campaign against the Nubians and also participated with him in his campaign on our two rivers up to the Euphrates River.