Manifestations of graphic representation in the poetry of Ibn al-Labbanah- An analytical study Preparation


  • Saad Saber Namal


Manifestations, Al-Bayan, poetry, Ibn Al-Labbanah, simile


This research is an attempt to highlight the importance of graphic imagery in the poetry of one of the most prominent poets of Andalusia, whose poetry is characterized by ease of interpretation, simplicity of meaning, smoothness of expression, and exploration of the meanings sought by the mind, translating its human feelings and emotions. Ibn al-Labbanah was influenced by the artistry of those who preceded him, the ancients, the moderns, and the contemporary, so The graphic depiction in his poetry indicates an authentic and modern taste that derives from the Andalusian environment and himself as well. In addition to the writings of scholars in the modern era about Ibn al-Labbanah, they are few and did not intend to provide a critical or analytical study of the poet and his poetry. Therefore, Ibn al-Labbanah and his poetry remain in need of research and study that will help fill those gaps or reduce their size, especially with regard to his biography, and at the same time provide a description and analysis of his poetry in terms of purposes and related artistic aspects, and in terms of images and music, without distinction in this regard. Description and analysis of Ibn al-Labbanah’s stanzas and his vertical poetry. For this reason, I made Ibn al-Labbanah and his poetry the subject of my research.

