The term retro connotation and concept


  • Ali Hadi Abbas Al-Mahdawi


reaction, French Revolution, Vienna Congress, conservatives, reactionary forces.


A social political term used to denote currents that oppose modern, progressive, or new leftist concepts, by adhering to inherited traditions, looking at the past as a golden age, and demanding a return to it without the conditions for that being in place to change the facts of life and the circumstances of society. The concept of reaction was embodied in Greek thought since the emergence of democracy in Greece, specifically in the era of Solon, the famous political reformer and legislator in the sixth century BC. In the Middle Ages, reactionism reached its peak when the popes entered into a bitter struggle against the German authorities, which afflicted European countries with a state of tension. The period from 1815 to 1823 was characterized by the dominance of the reactionary spirit and its control over Europe, which the Vienna Conference forced upon it to accept a return to monarchical systems. Traditionalism, which was prevalent before the French Revolution, but this time in a more reactionary and more authoritarian sense. The European leaders who met in Vienna sought not only to restore the old regimes. Rather, they insisted on eradicating all the new principles created by the French Revolution. The essence of reactionary conservatism remained constant throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and it includes the idea that the political system cannot dominate without broader cultural and spiritual institutions that limit the influence of rational thought. According to the theory of the American (Lawrence Lowell): Conservatives are the group that is content with the situation and pessimistic about reform, and it is this group that later formed the nucleus of conservative political power.

