The religious authority of the clergy in contemporary Iraqi poetry Critical study


  • Ahmed Jamil Abdel Safrani
  • Rasoul Hamdan Balavi
  • Hassan Rahmani Rad


Authority, clergy, religion, Iraqi poetry


This study seeks to trace the concept of the authority of the clergy as a social and religious phenomenon that has existed with the existence of humanity, and has gone through many transformations in moving from the spiritual, metaphysical, and metaphysical to what is worldly to achieve the interests of the clergy and the beneficiaries who follow an extremist ideology or according to a vision that stems from religious narcissism, which is an attempt To learn about cultural worlds through the aesthetic medium; In order for us to see the intellectual view of the authority of the clergy in the procedural area of this study, we stopped at the concepts of religion, authority, and the clergy to clarify the manifestations of these concepts and their relationship with each other.This study aims to monitor the poetic text to reveal the representations of this phenomenon. Because poetry always seeks to expose the implications of this authority that has ravaged Iraqi space, and attempts to expose the practices of the religious establishment that has fortified itself under the cover of religion, through the awareness of poets who practice their hunt for the religious system’s dominance over the reality of life.

This authority assumes the role of God and controls existence, people's lives, and their being. Therefore, the representations of this phenomenon have varied. Sometimes the authority of the clergy appears in the form of a violent god, and at other times an absent god, and the practices of this authority may appear in other forms and in all cases.

