Caliphate of Imam Hassan)peace be upon him) In the thoughts of Dr. Jawad Ali


  • Youssef Kazem Jaghil Al-Shammari
  • Amer Ajaj Hameed


Imam Hassan (peace be upon him), Qais bin Saad bin Ubadah, Caliphate, Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan, Ubaid Allah bin Abbas, Dr. Jawad Ali.


Dr. Jawad Ali, who was born in Iraq in the city of Kadhimiya, in Iraq, is considered one of the great modern archaeologists and historians of the modern era. He grew up there, studied there, and obtained his initial education there. Then he rose through the academic ranks and obtained his higher degrees from outside Iraq, so he went To Germany and America, he traveled in search of knowledge in several countries, wrote many research papers, and wrote many books. He gained fame and fame after writing his well-known history, which was translated into many international languages, which is: “The Detailed History of the Arabs Before Islam,” which is... Like him, he began writing a huge encyclopedia, vowing to himself that he would not stop until he completed it or his heart stopped beating - as mentioned in the manuscript that we titled: (Al-Mufassal fi Taarikh al-Arab fi al-Islam), from which we excerpted this piece of manuscript in which he dealt with the succession of Imam Hassan (peace be upon him). Shedding light on the difficult circumstances and the dangerous stage of the history of Islam after the martyrdom of the Caliph of the Muslims, the Commander of the Faithful, Ali bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him), by referring to historical texts and narratives that were mentioned in many historical sources, comparing and analyzing these opinions, making important rulings through those texts, It gave a clear picture of the clash taking place in that critical historical period, the struggle for power under the misguidance of political and ideological currents, and the emergence of authoritarian bourgeois classes eager to achieve their various goals. We set out to compile this piece to be a research that supports the Islamic Library in general, and to revive the legacy of Dr. Jawad Ali in loyalty. For him and the important and huge achievement that his pen made during his scientific life, defying difficulties to achieve the desired scientific goal.

