The impact of geographical and human factors on economic activity In the Maghreb countries during Third - fourth centuries AH


  • Hendrine Hamed Shati


Morocco, the geographical factor, the human factor


Economic activity is the basis by which the importance of cities is measured, and any country's strength is linked to the extent of its economic activity. There are several factors that influence and drive economic activity, and these factors are divided into two parts: natural factors, represented by the type and nature of the region, including ((coastal, mountainous, desert)) in addition to climate factors, represented by rain, rivers, or springs of wells. There are also human factors, which are meant to be the population structure, and those who were in the Maghreb of different races had practiced different economic activities, including ((Moroccan tribes, Arabs, the Jewish community, in addition to Sudan and Africans)). All of these factors play a major role in stimulating economic activity of all types and nature, whether some of them affect directly or indirectly, and economic activity in general affects the political life of the state. All countries’ stability is linked to their economic activity, and any imbalance in a state’s economy affects the course of its life. Politically, especially since the Maghreb at that time was in constant conflict with the Abbasid Caliphate, the Sultans of Morocco sought to provide appropriate conditions for the success of their economic activity. The Lower Maghreb entered into multiple trade relations with both the Far and Lower Maghreb.


