The Commercial Activity of Darin Island in The Abbasid Era


  • Raed Mohammed Hamed University of Mosul / College of Arts / Department of History


Darin Island, Abbasid era, commercial activity


This research aims to shed light on the commercial activity of Darin Island in the Abbasid era, and to show the commercial status of Darin Island, which was considered a seaport and an active market in the Islamic era. Many commercial ports and islands have spread since ancient times. After the Islamic conquest and the expansion of the Islamic state and its outskirts, the merchants set out to the east and west of the land to bring the goods for which the demand increased and to bring everything that was strange and unacceptable in terms of food or clothing as a result of the luxury and development that took place in the Arab Islamic state, especially in the Abbasid era as a result of the development of society and its civilization and the multiplicity of its needs. . Among those ports and islands that had a rich history of trade in the Islamic era is Darin Island, which is the focus of our research that we will talk about. The research was divided into an introduction, three sections, and a conclusion. The introduction included an explanation of the commercial activity and its importance in the ports of the Islamic State, especially Darin Island. The first topic was titled “The Geographical Location of Darin,” with a mention of the designation that was numerous through the books I had seen in addition to its historical depth. The second topic included On the Islamic conquest of Darien and its commercial importance in Islam, with mention of the sea and land commercial routes of Darin Island, and the third topic dealt with the most important commercial commodities that were active in Darin Island with mention of many poems that referred to Darin. Finally, the conclusion came with the most important findings of the research.


